St Modwen Properties

Access 18, Avonmouth

Access 18 Avonmouth is a mixed-use site occupied by a number of warehouse and industrial space for logistics businesses. Development continues on site to provide further premises which incorporate storage, office environments, associated hard and soft landscaping and infrastructure to link this development to the surround commercial and residential areas.

Due to the activity on this site, the interaction between Contractors during construction was required to manage security, traffic and pedestrian management issues as well as consideration to the environmental impacts with contaminated ground and protecting the surrounding land during development.

Between July 2018 and June 2019 monthly meetings and regular interaction with the Client Team, Contractors, Designers and Safety professional saw an invested management of all SHE matters. Existing tenants were kept informed and happy and incidents were very few.

Contaminated ground due to the site’s location and history as well as interaction and communication with surrounding land users were the key elements to this project.

Client: St Modwen Properties
Role: Site Wide Co-Ordintor
Value: N/A
Sector: Industrial