Risk Assessment and Method Statements (RAMS)

A Risk Assessment is a careful examination of what could have the potential to cause harm to people.
By carrying out this assessment you can then decide whether you have taken enough precautions or insufficient precautions to prevent harm in the workplace.

Any  significant risks identified require a safe system of work (SSOW) to be developed. These are commonly known as method statements. Method statements are widely recognised within the industry and when created with detail they can provide further controls to help manage health and safety onsite.

Under The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, every employer has a duty to assess the risks to the health and safety of those they employ and those who may be affected by their undertakings.

Regulation 15 of the CDM 2015 Regulations sets out similar requirements for all contractors in relation to construction work.
The law does not expect you to eliminate all risk but you are required to protect people so far as is “reasonably practicable”.

Safety For recommend that the Principal Contractor has arrangements in place for not only ensuring all contractor works are risk assessed, but that the control measures put in place are suitable and sufficient, and not generic.

How can Safety For help?

RAMS Creation

Safety For works with you to create and develop risk assessments and method statements for both general and specific construction related activities.

RAMS Review

Safety For can undertake reviews of risk assessments and method statements on your behalf and provide recommendations and guidance on areas for improvement in risk mitigation.